Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Cancellation Insurance - Is it worth it?

You want the best vacation of your life. You've saved and planned for a long time, but sometimes unforeseen circumstances may force you to cancel your cruise. Without Cruise Cancellation Insurance, if you cancel your cruise after final payment, you will suffer penalties. There is no question about it. It could be $50 per person or could be the full cost of the trip. The cruise line doesn't often care if it was your life savings, if it was a heart attack, a death or if you promise to rebook and say good things about the line. You will not get your money back after final payment without insurance.

We mention insurance to everyone. We don't push it on anyone and it's certainly not required. But you should consider your own situation before deciding for or against it?
  • Would losing the total cost of your trip hurt?
  • Do you have family members who are ill or at risk of illness that if their condition turned worse you would abandon your travel plans? Young children or older family members?
  • Do you have a pre-existing medical condition?
  • Is your trip relatively expensive?
  • Are you leaving the country for 10 days or longer?
  • Are you at a point in your life where you’re susceptible to accident or illness?
  • Are you booking your own air transportation?
  • Have you ever experienced baggage delay or loss by the airlines?
  • Does your insurance cover medical expenses in a foreign country? Probably not!

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may want to consider protecting your cruise investment.

Insurance typically costs less than 10% of your total trip cost and usually covers baggage, trip delay, trip interruption, medical expenses, medical evacuation, and more. The cruise lines' insurance typically doesn't cover pre-existing conditions, but, we have other insurance we sell at comparable pricing to cover these situations. Ask your cruise professional for a brochure explaining it in more detail?

Is Insurance worth it? If you have to use it, definitely? But insurance also buys peace of mind, which is not a bad reason to have it either?

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